This is site is a little piece of myself, though to be a arquive of what I am and to be a record of my knowledge and experiences, planned be viewed in the future with a touch of nostalgia and pride in what I've become and how much I've evolved, in summary this piece of the web will change with me, so I hope you like my little effort to keep my insignificant existence, my past saved
I am a random student, living in a ramdom developing country, my interestes are:
- Tech and Cyberculture in general
- Philosophy
- Reading
I'm trying to learn:
- English (This site was hard to write because I can understand but is hard to create sentences, my blog is a way to became better on that)
- Full-Stack development (this sit is kind of the result of my Front-End knowledge at the moment, so wait for updates)
- Linux Ricing (It's harder that I though
- Pixel Art (Also harder that I though)
- Drawing (I used to do it when I was a little kid)
To know more about what I like visit my Homepage, and take a look at "Favorite Works"
I plan to write a little of my thougs (or rotine maybe) on my blog